Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Stephen Markham and Mary Curtis Family

This photo of the children of Mary Curtis and Stephen Markham was taken after Stephen's death.

from Find A Grave at www.findagrave.com

Children of Stephen Markham

Stephen Markham and Hannah Hogaboom had the following 4 children:
Warren (1824-1900)
Dinah (1827-1839)
William Whiting (1829-1903)
David (1835-1902)

Stephen Markham and Mary Curtis had the following 13 children:
Orville Sanford (1851-1902)
Mary Lucy (1853-1903)
William Don Carlos (1855-1908)
Sarah Elizabeth (1857-1913)
Atta Ruth (1859-1912)
Hosmer Merry (1861-1928)
Emily Aurelia (1864-1932)
Margaret Eliza (1866-1950)
Joseph Curtis (1868-1932)
Charlotta Juliana (1870-1949)
Ira Meacham (1873-1935)
Clarissa Maretta (1876-1961)
Caroline Louisa (1878-1889)

Stephen Markham and Martha Jane Boice had the following child:
Stephen (1854-1920)

Reunion director, Diane Markham Humann

For more information, email Diane Markham Humann at mtcabby@att.net

We will have a lot of fun at the reunion. Games! Food!! History! (Well, I like history!)

Stephen Markham Family Reunion

The Stephen Markham (1800-1878) Family Reunion will be held Saturday, July 24, 2010 in Spanish Fork, Utah.

Stephen Markham was one of the founding settlers of Palmyra, Utah and Spanish Fork, Utah in 1851-1852.

Come enjoy the company of other descendants of Stephen Markham.